How to Fix Brad Nails Sticking Out

One of the most frustrating things that can happen during a project is when your brad nails start sticking out. It’s not only unsightly, but it can also be dangerous if you’re not careful. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to fix this problem. 

Brad Nails Sticking Out

Where is Brad Neil Used?

Brad’s nails are ideal for projects that require a neat finish, as they create a much smoother appearance. Additionally, the likelihood of wood splitting is very low when brad nails are used. Brad’s nails are also famous for light-duty projects due to their thin body and ease of installation – such as wooden furniture, wooden bird cages, and wood crafting. 

Short Method to Fix Brad’s Nails Sticking Out

There are various ways to fix brad nails sticking out, some of which require standard tools. The Method used to fix the brad nails will vary depending on the tools available.

A simple and common way to do this is as follows: First, wear safety gloves before beginning any work.

  1. If the brad nail is sticking out of the corner of the wood, remove it (it won’t give you enough strength). If the brad nail poses no danger, use another one on the side for support.
  2. Using cutting pliers, cut the Brad Nail sticking out flush as much as possible.
  3. Place a sharp object (such as a screwdriver) on the cut part of the Brad Nail and hit it with the hammer. Doing this will cause the baked part to go into the wood.

If you do this for decorative purposes, you can level it by filling in the gaps with wood filler.

How to Prevent Brad Nails From Sticking Out?

Nothing is preventing this mathematically; you must work slowly and correctly. However, Brad Nails Sticking Out can be caused by some wrong reasons; if you look at them, you will eliminate the problem.

  1. Many times, the problem with a brad nailer is that it cannot drive the nail at the right angle, so check it first.
  2. These nails are unsuitable for many other types of wood because they are too complicated. 
  3. The quality of the nails may not be good. Check for a good brand of nails in the market and buy them.

Solve these issues. You may also find nails sticking out because you are not holding your brad nailer correctly.


If you’re sick of your brad nails sticking out, don’t worry – there’s an easy fix. Just follow the steps above, and your project will look neat in no time. And remember, always use safety gloves when working with tools.

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Do Brad’s Nails Need to Be Filled?

If you remove the brad nails due to sticking out, the holes no longer need to be filled. Brad’s nails are too thin to create large holes. Therefore, the holes do not need to be filled, even in the case of something decorative. The varnish or color on the wood itself fills the holes. So no need to worry about it.

Can Brad Nails Sticking Out Be Dangerous?

If you don’t fix them, sticking out brad nails can cause severe damage. For example, if you accidentally brush against the project, the sharp edge of the nail can harm your skin. Additionally, young children may injure themselves if they accidentally step into the project. Besides, the overall aesthetics of the project will be reduced.

Read Also – Fill a Screw Hole in the Wood for Reuse

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