How to Fix Loose Pool Cover Anchor

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Written By Koushik Tarafder

Installing a pool cover anchor is important in keeping your pool safe and secure from debris and animals. However, the anchor can become loose over time and needs to be tightened. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on properly fixing a loose pool cover anchor.

Pool Cover Anchor

What Makes the Pool Cover Anchor Loose?

A pool cover anchor may come loose for a variety of reasons.

Poor Installation

More than the incorrect installation of anchors can lead to them becoming loose over time. This can occur for various reasons, including the wrong type of anchor being used, insufficient anchors being used, or needing to be secured tightly enough.


The pool cover is constantly moving with the wind and water, and this can cause some anchors to come loose. Anchors may vibrate loose due to the movement of the pool cover, or they may become worn down by constant friction.

Incorrectly Sized Anchor

Selecting the right anchor size for the pool cover is essential, as using one too small could lead to it coming loose and not being securely attached. Each size anchor has a specific load-carrying capacity, so it is important to choose the right one.

Poor Quality

Anchors made from poor-quality materials can easily become loose and must be replaced more frequently. Low-quality anchors may not be designed to withstand the elements and may quickly become corroded or break.

Hit by Something Heavy

This issue is likely caused by people or heavy objects moving around the pool while working, resulting in the shock dislodging or loosening the anchoring of the pool. You can use Safety Anchor Covers to get rid of this problem.

It needs to ensure your pool cover always stays in place, and it is important to regularly check and maintain your pool cover anchors. This can help prevent the anchors from loosening.

How to Fix Loose Pool Cover Anchor?

I am aware of several approaches to rectifying loose pool cover anchors. As I am still determining why your anchors are loose, I suggest you try each solution. Here are some suggestions to consider:

Change Location

1. To ensure an even distribution of load around the pool cover, the anchors may need rearranged. This will prevent any anchor from becoming loose due to an excessive load. 

2. If the pavers or concrete where the anchors are currently located are defective, it would be best to relocate the anchors to a more suitable place.

Use Big Anchors

Before purchasing Anchors for a pool cover, one must be aware of the details of the anchoring product from the brand’s website. This is important to ensure that the load capacity of the Anchors is sufficient for the load that the pool cover will create. If not, there is a risk that the Anchors will become loose due to an overload.

Replace the Anchor

If the Anchors are damaged or corroded, they should be replaced. This is because they will no longer be able to secure the pool cover properly, and it may become loose over time. If the Anchors are not damaged, it is possible to add more Anchors to secure the pool cover further.

Use More Straps

This could be quite expensive. To ensure the load of the pool cover is distributed evenly across all of the anchors and reduce the load pressure on each anchor, it may be necessary to add more straps to the cover and increase the number of anchors in the pool.

More Pool Cover Straps

Load Capacity of Pool Cover Anchors

I apologize for not being able to provide a specific answer. Pool cover anchors come in various materials and qualities, such as solid or mixed brass, steel, etc., and therefore have varying load capacities. The best way to find out the load capacity of a specific anchor is to check the details when you buy it online or from a store. The shopkeeper should be able to help you with any questions you have.


If you have pool cover anchors that have become loose or need maintenance, take action today! Follow the steps outlined in this guide to ensure your pool cover anchors are securely attached, and your pool stays safe and secure. Share this guide with your friends and family to help them keep their pool cover anchors in top condition.

Read More – Install and Remove Drop-in Anchors

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