How To Remove Cable Clips

When there are only a few cable clips, one can remove them with just a bit of effort. But when there is a large amount, it can be a daunting task. I’m here to share some methods of quickly and easily removing cable clips to make the job easier. So let’s start –

A Cable Clips

Reasons for Removing Cable Clips

Cable clips are used to secure wires and cables in place, but sometimes they need to be removed. This can be due to the line being replaced or needing to be moved to another area. In either case, the clips need to be removed. 

Type of Cable Clip

Different types of cable clips can be used to secure wires and cables in place. Self-adhesive, nail, screw-in, flat, round, coaxial, saddle, and P-style cable clips are all available on the market. Each type of clip has its advantages and disadvantages, so choosing the right type of clip for the job is important. 

How To Remove Cable Clips

Providing steps for removing all types of Cable Clips is not feasible in one go. Hence, the process of removing each type of clip is described below individually.

Remove Nail & Coaxial Cable Clip

The removal process for Nail and Coaxial types is almost identical due to their close similarity.

First, disconnect the wire from the clip by pulling gently.

Then, a Claw Hammer can be used to remove the clip easily. Insert the claw side of the Hammer into the Clip and apply pressure. Alternatively, a pry bar can be used instead of a Claw Hammer. 

However, if the wall with the Cable Clip is soft, like a board, this method can cause damage to the wall due to the high pressure.

Another way to remove clips is to use pliers. However, pliers only work efficiently with small clips. Pulling off larger clips with pliers can be quite difficult. Moreover, pliers may need to provide more grip. If available, mole grips, locking pliers, or pincers can be used as they are more effective than pliers.

As a last resort, side cutters can be used to cut the nail of the clip. After this, the excess nail can be hammered into the wall to make it flush with the surface.

Remove Adhesive Cable Clips

Removing and installing Adhesive Cable Clips is an easy task. Its glue provides a strong grip, so the clips don’t easily come off even when tugged with normal force.

There are two varieties of Adhesive Cable Clips on the market: one with a removal feature and one without.

Some Clips with a removal feature an additional layer on the bottom which weakens the adhesive, allowing for easy removal when pulled slowly. Be gentle with the pull, as too much force may tear the clip.

My friend informed me of a process to remove clips from the wall without the removal feature that will not damage the wall. In order to do this, you will need a blower and a chisel.

Heat the blower on a low setting and carefully chip away at the glue side of the clip. Move the glue with the chisel between the clip and the wall bit by bit. If done slowly, you’ll be able to successfully complete the process.

Remove Screw-in Clips

These clips are usually secured with screws and used to connect cables. To remove them, one must use a screwdriver; there is no special technique. 

If rust has built up on the screw, it is advised to spray it with WD40 before starting work, as this will make it easier to unscrew. 

Generally, these clips are found in industrial sites rather than in households.

Remove P Cable clips

The P-shaped cable is often secured to the wall using screws or nails. In some cases, they are used to hold plumbing pipes and hoses. To remove them, unscrew them with a screwdriver.

If the P-shaped cables are held with nails or pins, refer to the Nail & Coaxial Cable Clip instructions for proper removal.

Tips: I recommend disconnecting the cable before detaching the cable clips; otherwise, the cable may become torn or severed during the process. Additionally, to ensure your safety, make sure to shut off power from the house line before coming into contact with the cable.

Can You Reuse Cable Clips? 

If the shape of the cable clip is still intact, you can reuse it; however, it is advised that you purchase new cable clips to use in sensitive places. Cable clips are easily available and can be bought very cheaply at different hardware stores.

Is There A Possibility Of Wall Damage During Cable Clip Removal?

When removing cable clips from board, Wood, or drywall, caution must be taken to avoid damaging the wall. Too much pressure could cause wall damage. However, there is no risk of damage to a cement wall or concrete structure.


I hope this article has helped you in removing the cable clips. If you have any other ideas or experiences, please let me know so I can include them in this article for others to be benefitted from. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Remember to share it with anyone else who might need this advice.

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