What To Use Instead Of Shelf Pegs

The absence of a Shelf Peg pin can be inconvenient, especially when shelf pegs get misplaced easily. Having a temporary solution for shelf pin installation with plans to replace it later can be incredibly helpful. In this article, I will explore some fantastic alternatives to Shelf Pegs, providing you with practical options to consider. Let’s delve into the various choices you can use instead of Shelf Pegs for your shelving needs.

Shelf Peg holes

What Should You Consider When Using Something Instead Of Shelf Pegs?

Weight Capacity

Ensure that the alternative you select can adequately support the weight of the items you intend to display. Keep in mind that materials like wood or plastic might not handle heavy loads as well as metal, which typically offers better weight-bearing capabilities.


Opt for an alternative that is robust and built to last. Avoid materials prone to breaking or warping over time, such as inexpensive plastics or weak metals, to ensure the longevity of your display solution.

Style and Appearance

 Consider how the chosen alternative will complement your existing decor. Strive for a seamless blend that enhances the overall look rather than one that stands out and detracts from the aesthetic.


The price range for alternatives to shelf pegs can vary significantly. Establish and adhere to a budget to avoid overspending while still achieving the desired functionality and appearance.

What To Use Instead Of Shelf Pegs

When searching for alternatives to shelf pegs, it’s essential to consider various factors such as load capacity, size and shape, durability, stability, safety, and cost. Fortunately, several options can fulfill these criteria. Let’s take a look at some examples:

1. Metal Brackets or L-shaped angle with a bolt:

Metal brackets or L-shaped corners are great options for supporting shelves when combined with bolts. These hardware choices are stronger and more durable, making them ideal for easily and quickly holding heavy items. Installing them is straightforward since they can be easily attached to the wall or the shelf, ensuring a stable and reliable setup. 

Metal Brackets

To be ensured the attachment with the wall or the shelf fits well, it’s important to use bolts matching the size of the pre-drilled holes on the shelf. Additionally, if you want the shelves to carry even heavier loads, you can add nuts to the bolts for extra support.

Note: While this may enhance the capacity for effectively carrying a heavier load, it could impact the shelf’s aesthetics.

2. Wooden Dowels

Using wooden dowels instead of shelf pegs is both straightforward and appealing. You can achieve the same functionality as traditional shelf pegs by opting for solid wooden dowels.

Installing wooden dowels is a straightforward process. Choose wooden dowels that match the size of the holes in the shelf rack, and then insert them into the holes. Once the dowels are in place, you can easily place the shelf on top of them.

Mistakes To Avoid

Use Screw in Hole

I got a suggestion from someone on a forum site regarding this issue. The forum recommended inserting a screw into the hole of the shelf and then placing the wood of the shelf on top of it.

However, this approach has some drawbacks. Firstly, the edge of the screw head could potentially damage the wood of the shelf whenever it is loaded with items. Additionally, a loose screw may result in instability, making it an unreliable solution for supporting the shelf.

Use Adhesive

Using glue to stick the shelf wood together may not provide a reliable solution. Furthermore, it restricts the ability to customize the shelf space later, making it less ideal for this purpose. As a result, there may be better ideas for creating a flexible and adjustable shelving solution.

Can I Use A Command Hook With Strips Instead Of Shelf Pegs?

A Command hook with strips is not recommended as a direct replacement for shelf pegs. Command hooks are designed for hanging lightweight items on smooth surfaces, such as walls or doors. They are not intended to support the weight and load capacity typically required for shelves and their contents.


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