How to Remove Lock Washer on Dolly Wheels

Are you concerned about not being able to take off the lock washer situated between the dolly wheels?

Don’t worry; if you are aware of the correct guidelines, it will be a piece of cake. That is what I am going to talk about in this article.

This article will provide instructions on quickly and easily removing a lock washer on dolly wheels. Follow these steps to complete the task in a short amount of time.

a Dolly Wheels

Factors That Make Lock Washers Difficult To Remove From Dolly Wheels

Removing lock washers from dolly wheels can be challenging due to various factors. Here, I have explained the same.

Lock Washer Worn

Rust and wear can be seen on dolly wheels due to their workplace and environment. The lock washer, an important part of the wheel, also experiences the effects of rust or wear, causing it to change shape and get stuck to the wheel or nut bolts, making it difficult to remove.


Due to wear and tear, accidents, or overloading, the lock washer and its components may be damaged or bent, making it difficult to remove from the dolly wheels sometimes.

What Kind Of Lock Washer Is Used In A Dolly Wheel?

When it comes to dolly wheels, an internal tooth lock washer, also called a push nut, is usually used. Among the several types of push nuts, “PS style – sheared push-ons” are the most popular type of push nut nuts for dolly wheels. 

Although this type of lock washer is regionally known as a dolly wheel lock washer, there are better names than this one.

Step-by-step Guide to Remove A Lock Washer On Dolly Wheels

Now that you are familiar with some related topics let’s discuss the simple and effective steps for removing a lock washer from dolly wheels. Read the steps carefully to ensure every part of the process is noticed. 

Tools & Others Needed:

  1. penetrating Oil
  2. Ratchet Wrench
  3. Vice Grip
  4. Screwdriver / Chisel 
  5. Hammer

Step 1 – Apply Penetrating Oil

Before attempting to open the lock washers and other elements of the dolly wheel, apply a Penetrating Oil such as WD-40 to help reduce dirt and rust build-up.

Apply a penetrating oil to the lock washer area on the dolly wheel

After applying Oil, allow some time for it to take effect. If the rust is too severe, use a hammer to tap the surface in order to remove it lightly.

Step 2 – Loosen The Nut

Using a ratchet wrench, loosen the nut by rotating it counterclockwise. If the nut doesn’t come off, use a Vice Grip to loosen it further. If that still doesn’t work, use a nut extractor socket may be necessary to remove the nut, or it may need to be cut off with a grinder.

Step 3 – Now Remove the Lock Washer

Insert a screwdriver between the internal teeth of the push nut lock washer and press upwards to loosen the teeth.


Place a screwdriver or chisel on one side of the push nut lock washer and strike it with a hammer to divide it into two pieces.

It will release the pressure from the bolt or threaded rod, letting the push nut loose.

And your task is now complete.

pull the dolly wheel


Can I Reuse the Lock Washer?

It is not advisable to reuse a lock washer, as its teeth may have been worn or flattened due to use, diminishing its ability to keep the nut from becoming loose. Additionally, the lock washer may become deformed or damaged while being taken off, which is why it is best to avoid reusing them.

Can I Remove Them Without Damaging Them?

Obviously yes. You need to work slowly with patience. However, it is normal for bolts, nuts, and lock washers to be damaged. Since they are affordable, the dolly wheel will perform better if you install new ones.

Are There Any Risks to Removing the Dolly Wheel Lock Washer?

Before beginning work, it is highly recommended to remove the tire to avoid any risks. If not, there is a chance of leakage due to any damage. Additionally, it may also cause damage to the nut bolts if the work is done in haste.


Using this guide, you should be able to complete this simple task in no time. If you want to hear about your progress, please feel free to comment or contact me. If you found this guide helpful, please remember to share it with your friends and family.

Read Also – How to Use a Lock Washer With a Flat Washer

2 thoughts on “How to Remove Lock Washer on Dolly Wheels”

  1. You recommend removing the wheel before working on it? That’s great except the problem is that I can’t remove the wheel.

    • Before attempting to remove the wheel from the rod, it is essential to first remove or loosen the lock washer. This is because the nut and lock washer work together to secure the wheel in place. Could you please provide more detailed information about the specific issue you are encountering?


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